14 thoughts on “Train

  1. OUTSTANDING group of images! WOW! The first (wide angle distortion) and third (primo composition with the ‘Chessie System cat’) are my favorites—but these NEED to be shown TOGETHER, just as you’ve offered them!


  2. Hi I came here from COALESCENCE….
    beautiful shots..loved the way you see things..loved all of them but the third is stunning…what a beauty…You have great eye 🙂
    hugs 🙂


  3. I love photographing trains also! What is it about them? Their commanding presence? The craftsmanship of all those rivets and those wheels!? You’ve captured them brilliantly here!


    1. Thank you very much! There’s something so beautiful about them when they’re just sitting there in pieces – maybe it’s all that potential halted that captures us so.

      I appreciate you stopping by and commenting. 🙂


  4. George Kinnard sent me here and I’m so glad he did. “Potential halted” — that’s such a good description of what we’re seeing here. Love these images. Would you mind if I posted the third one on my Pinterest writing prompt board?


    1. Thank you so much for stopping by and for asking permission to use one of my photos, I’m happy to grant it if you’ll credit me somewhere in your Pinterest post :).


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